A Working Group on Dark Matter,
Anti-Matter, and Condensed Matter

In Search for a Hospitable Space:
The unknown / unknowable.

Tuned in with the quantic and the cosmic, wherein earth is the same as the sun its companions, we study at the particle level. Heeding an ethical call from/to the undercommons, as we move, seeking a radical anticolonial, critical racial, feminist path that trails along but sits beyond the one delimited by the many ’isms’ (postcolonial, etc) that have named the critical task and its version of justice
As a way to navigate through the turbulences and transformations these times, under condition that imposes complicity with patterns of violence repeating, this study group takes a root string in soil of a antifascist practice (alliance with a feminist local artist from history and ecology specific)
Third-person plural engaged as a singular composite, we\us gather to study quantum gravity, dark matter, anti-matter, gravity, and condensed approaching, from the cosmological perspective, the invisible and undeterminable elements researched in particle physics science and quantum theory. Among the many question(ing)s guiding this search are:

  • What are the implications of the fundamental not only causal collisions observed in the standard model and the loop quantum spinfoam for thinking and practices of sociality?
  • What becomes of the material when approach from a cosmic and the quantic perspective? Whatever this, if at all, how would it shift prevailing concept of the matter, underlying the analysis and theorizing of material (economic) conditions of (social) existence?
  • How would the human — as a species and an ethical form (humanity) — if time were no longer the privileged measure and moment?
  • What kinds of ethical-political demands would become intelligible if the prevailing ethical program took into account particle physics’ findings such as quantum entanglement and indeterminacy?

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For now, there’s no public content. All the texts are reserved to the members of this group.